David W.G.S. Leith, 1937-2020
Professional and Biographical Information
David Leith received both his B.S. (1959) and Ph.D. (1962) in Natural Philosophy from the University of Glasgow, Scotland. He was a Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow from 1962-1963 and a Staff Physicist at CERN from 1963-1966. He came to Stanford in 1966 as an Associate Professor in SLAC, and was awarded full professorship in 1970. Leith served as the lab's Director of Research (1991-2000), and was associated with the LASS experiment; and the BaBar Collaboration, as well as SuperB.
A Bet That Paid Off for Science: David Leith's 50 Years at SLAC. SLAC Today June 27, 2014
SLAC Announcement: In Memory of David Leith (with staff comments)
DIRC: The Particle Identification System for BaBar. Novosibirsk, 2002
Alternative Detector Concepts for the PID Upgrade. Proto-Collaboration Meeting 20 March 2008
Awards and Honors
Faraday Medal, University of Glasgow
Fellow, American Physical Society
Member, British Institute of Physics and Physical Society
Events and Photos
Celebrating David's 9 Years as Associate Director of SLAC (photos--page 5)
A Symposium in Honor of David Leith: Friday 12 December 2014
Lists of publications by David W.G.S. Leith, with some links, can be found at HEPData and at Google Scholar.
Archival Materials
David Leith papers held by the SLAC Archives and History Office are currently being processed, and are not yet open for research. SLAC staff may access descriptions of David Leith papers held by the Archives, History & Records Office by entering his last name in the search box on this page.