Anders R. Nilsson
Professor of Photon Science, Emeritus
Professor of Photon Science, Emeritus
Anders Nilsson interests covers the application of synchrotron radiation to studies of surfaces and in liquids with a focus on studies catalytic processes in fuel cells, photoelectrochemical decomposition of water, CO2 reduction, chemical bonding on surfaces, structure of liquid water and aqueous solutions, interfacial processes of relevance to molecular environmental science and ultrafast processes on surfaces and in water.
Awards & Honors
Liljevalls Award, Uppsala, Sweden, 1988; Ångström Award, Uppsala, 1990; The Lindbomska Award, Royal Academy of Science, Stockholm, Sweden, 1991; The Royal Oscars Award, Uppsala, 1994; The Shirley Award, Berkeley, 1998; Humboldt Research Award, 2010.